by Terry Magness As the sun’s rays shined upon their lackluster surfaces, beautiful hidden colors were revealed in varying shades of pink, white, and amber. No two were the same. To me, each was a treasure. A shelf in our garage was lined with quart jars. To most viewers, they appeared to be filled with common gravel, but in fact, they were a proud display of my most cherished finds. These were no ordinary rocks. These were special stones specifically chosen. Just as the colored stones of my childhood came alive in sunlight, so a dirty, spiritually dull, and light-deficient soul will come alive when bathed in the light of God’s Word. His Word is truth, and truth dispels darkness. Like a hidden precious stone unveiled, its beauty--that of an unspoiled creation--begins to shine with color. In this redeeming, cleansing light, the heart and mind are gradually transformed. The new creation is cleansed, and with each new exposure to this wondrous light, fresh new colors of His glory emerge. Sitting in my gravel driveway, I noticed a different kind of stone among the pink, white, and amber stones. This stone commanded my attention. It was clean and pure, multi-faceted, and clear as crystal. It eagerly drank in the light. It was not the source of light, but it generously reflected the light in a wondrous display of prismatic color. This stone sparkled like a diamond, like a precious stone. It was not a precious stone, but it shined with the brilliance of a precious stone. Jesus shone for all to see. Isaiah tells us Jesus was a precious stone. Isaiah 28:16 NKJV He was filled with light and was the source of that light. The apostle John confirmed this when he said, “God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.” 1 John 1:5 NKJV Jesus was God in human flesh, so He could rightly claim, “I am the light of the world.” John 8:12 NKJV John explained by divine revelation that it was through Jesus that all living things were made. He said in John 1:4, “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” NKJV Jesus, the source of light and of life, shined gloriously as He ministered the Word of God, healed the sick, cast out demons, and set captives free. He was the way, the truth, and the life for those who would believe and follow Him. Jesus Christ called His followers to carry the light to a world without light and without eternal life in Him. Those who regularly soak in His light will continue to reflect His light. Souls with a genuine hunger and thirst to know God, who press into the deep things of God, who enjoy daily relationship with Him, who feast upon His Word to understand, digest and absorb—these will sparkle with light and with life--like diamonds--like lively stones in Christ. As a lively stone of the living God, you are a special stone, precious and specifically chosen by God to shine forth His glory. When you reflect the light and life of Jesus to those around you, you have quietly yet powerfully spoken of God’s promises and the glory of the Holy Spirit of God and of Christ who lives within you. A geode resides on my desk. The outside of this stone looks like any ordinary rock, but this stone has been cut in half, broken. Inside is a sparkling, light catching, light reflecting core of royal beauty. The engraved brass plaque below it reads, “We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us.” 2 Corinthians 4:7 NKJV So, dear children of Light, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 NKJV ![]() Now an ordained AG minister, Terry Magness was once a broken, wounded, angry, and abuse-hardened woman, until God’s redeeming love confronted, delivered, healed, and transformed her life. In 1995, Terry founded Grace Harbour Ministries, a not-for-profit, Biblically based teaching, prayer, and discipleship ministry to women. Through Biblical counseling, coaching, and mentoring, she helps soul-wounded women come to know God in a personal way, conquer sin, overcome life challenges, and live Spirit-empowered lives. Throughout her global ministry she has witnessed God’s captive-freeing power at work. Terry has authored two books--Ever Increasing Grace and Azadiah Reynolds: God’s Jamaica Man—and three booklets in her Pocket Scriptures series. She enjoys people, writing, photography, art, nature, and relaxing on the water while fishing with her quick-witted husband, Don, who keeps her laughing. Their amazing children and three priceless granddaughters remind them to be ever thankful for God’s blessings.
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