by Julie Davenport My two-year-old grandson loves to watch “The Lion King”. His favorite song is “Hakuna Matata,” ¹ and his favorite lyric he likes to boisterously blurt out is, “Oh, the Shame!” We all think it is cute and laugh every time he does it. However, having the weight of shame in your life is no laughing matter. I love the scripture in Psalm 34:5 NLT that says, “Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.” Do you have some shadows of shame lurking in the corners of your heart? We can have shame for something we have done, but we also can have shame for things that have happened to us. There should be no reproach in widowhood or in an unwanted divorce, for example, but we still can feel shame from things we did not even choose. Sometimes we lump guilt and shame together, but guilt is different than shame. Guilt is the position of being accountable for our sins and shortcomings. It is more of a legal term. Jesus has already paid the price for our sins, and our guilt is taken away when we repent. Shame is the process of being defined by our sin and shortcomings or someone else’s sin that has impacted our lives. It is more of an identity of who we are and affects our emotional and mental state. Much of my ministry now is to women like me who have been through trauma, divorce, infidelity, loss, and abuse. There is a theme of shame in almost every story I hear. It is a common feeling we almost all share. How do you get rid of shame?
The Lord wants you to have an abundant life and to enjoy the moments of joy He brings into your path every day. I am praying for you that no shadow of shame darkens your face! “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10 NIV ¹ "Hakuna Matata." Music by Elton John, lyrics by Tim Rice. From the soundtrack of The Lion King, 1994. ² Ann Voskamp, “Shame dies when stories are told in safe places,” Pinterest, If one word could depict a life, Julie Davenport’s would be “redemption.” As a child, Julie’s character was forged within a legacy of faith, godliness, and ministry, so when she married a charismatic young pastor on the fast-track to prominence, life was everything she’d dreamed it would be...on the outside. But inside, alone and hidden from view, Julie endured abuse, betrayal, and infidelities that spiraled to include miscarriage, cancer, divorce, mental illness, and eventually suicide. Julie is now an ordained AG minister who through speaking engagements and two daughters continues the legacy of ministry, God is using Julie’s life-story to validate His immeasurable grace and prove His power to redeem what Satan tried so hard to destroy. Learn more of God's redemptive work and order her book Secrets in the Sanctuary on
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