by Terry Magness Have you noticed that each day seems to come with its own unique set of challenges? Maybe you, like me, find yourself feeling irritated, out of sorts, and downright angry more often than you’d like to admit. I would love to retrieve the hours I have spent through the years rehearsing stale conversations that went sideways, sour comments, sarcasm, wrongful deeds, and frontal verbal attacks that seemed so unfair. I have muffled what I would really like to have yelled at the inconsiderate and/or downright incompetent driver causing me a near miss on the freeway. Instead, I drive on with fury, fear, and frustration in my soul. Then there are the long-term, unresolved relationship issues that periodically surface, prodding old wounds. If we are honest, we all deal to some degree or another with unhealthy negative thoughts and feelings. I am sure I am not unique in my experience of being poked, offended, or hurt. Angry feelings come, attended by ugly thoughts, growing bitterness, and a desire to retaliate with quipped sarcasm, gaslighting, and a spewed explosion of past and current grievances. We may privately rehearse the wrong, detail by detail, or publicly share with listening ears in hopes of vindication. If other’s hurtful words are internalized, then negative self-talk may ensue, or we may stuff our feelings, which only compounds with the next offense. The natural outcome will be a move toward aggression or isolation. In either case we are enslaved. As Christian women, what can we do to keep bitterness and hurt out of our souls? In recent years I am more aware than ever that true peace, contentment, and yes, victory are not only available, but possible. God, in His Word, told us to lay down arguments, anger, and wrath, and instead, be filled with His Spirit and walk in His love. Will there be times we become angry, hurt, and vengeful? Yes, of course! We are flesh, and we live in a corrupt world. The question is, how do we conquer these feelings? How do we cleanse our soul—our mind, our will, and our emotions? Our enemy, the devil, is divisive and cunning. He rejoices in our soulish activities and ultimate captivity. Contrarywise, Jesus sets captives free! He tells us to keep short accounts: “Do not let the sun go down on your wrath.” Ephesians 4:26 NKJV. Jesus says we are responsible to take every rogue and unholy thought captive. “Practice” means to do it repeatedly until you get it right. We grow stronger in this discipline as we practice taking our thoughts captive in obedience to Christ’s teachings. First, recognize your thoughts or feelings that do not line up with what Jesus taught. To recognize departure from Truth, you must know what Jesus taught. So read the Word of God every day, chew on and digest Scripture, attend church regularly, listen to podcasts and radio sermons, (this could include a ladies Bible study group). In other words, make sure you keep the Lord’s words fresh in your heart so you can quickly and easily recognize when your soul is not lining up. Next, exercise your authority in Christ against evil. I urge you to be militant! Immediately grab whatever dark thought you notice by the throat—self-pity, hurt, anger... With fingers firmly clinched, march that destructive thought--that soldier of captivity--into the throne room of God. Confess that dark thought or ungodly feeling to the Lord, ask His forgiveness. Forgive those who have hurt or offended you. Ask for His healing and restoration, then lay that ugly thing on the altar as a sin sacrifice. Praise and thank the Lord for His grace, and return with your head held high, a victorious daughter of the Most High God--cleansed, forgiven, and free. You can say like the Apostle Paul, that no matter my situation, “I have learned to be content.” Philippians 4:11 NIV. “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 NKJV. Now an ordained AG minister, Terry Magness was once a broken, wounded, angry, and abuse-hardened woman, until God’s redeeming love confronted, delivered, healed, and transformed her life. In 1995, Terry founded Grace Harbour Ministries, a not-for-profit, Biblically based teaching, prayer, and discipleship ministry to women. Through Biblical counseling, coaching, and mentoring, she helps soul-wounded women come to know God in a personal way, conquer sin, overcome life challenges, and live Spirit-empowered lives. Throughout her global ministry she has witnessed God’s captive-freeing power at work. Terry has authored two books--Ever Increasing Grace and Azadiah Reynolds: God’s Jamaica Man—and three booklets in her Pocket Scriptures series. She enjoys people, writing, photography, art, nature, and relaxing on the water while fishing with her quick-witted husband, Don, who keeps her laughing. Their amazing children and three priceless granddaughters remind them to be ever thankful for God’s blessings.
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